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“Missile Command” on ICANN

Opponents of the IANA functions transfer from the American government to the Internet community are still attempting to disrupt this process. At the same time they show remarkable ingenuity, but still dramatically distort the reality. Another step was a new game ICANN Command that appeared online, reports Domain Incite. This game is a clone of 1980’s classical hit “Missile Command” by Atari.

The gameplay is preceded by the titles like these. “It’s 2016. President Obama, if we don’t stop him, will transfer control over ICANN to the UN from October 1st. If it happens, nothing will prevent the UN from closing all domains of important independent news recourses. The UN is launching its missiles targeting independent resources. Your task is to shoot them using cursor and mouse buttons. If you miss, the Internet will lose given domain for good.”

The way the game is played is clear from the description. It’s also clear that the players are deliberately misled – control over ICANN by the UN is out of the question. Moreover, these were the initial terms of the transfer set by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration of the United States (NTIA) more than two and a half years ago. But such “nonsense” clearly doesn’t bother the game developers.

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